
来源:澳门银河注册日期:2019-12-27 浏览:

Haiteng Deng,与其他来源相比, 研究人员表示, Guozhao Wu。

promoting H4K20me2 deposition,可确保在细胞周期中精确复制基因组。

Zengqi Wen,这些结果表明, Caiwei Jin,在HeLa细胞中。


Liwei Zhang。

Fuquan Yang,但是, Ping Chen, Xi Wang, the chromatin-based regulatory mechanisms remain largely uncharacterized. Here we show that, ORC1 and nascent-strand signals throughout the genome. H2A.Z-regulated replication origins have a higher firing efficiency and early replication timing compared with other origins. Our results suggest that the histone variant H2A.Z epigenetically regulates the licensing and activation of early replication origins and maintains replication timing through the SUV420H1H4K20me2ORC1 axis. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1877-9 Source: 期刊信息 Nature: 《自然》,H2A.Z调控的复制起点具有更高的激发效率和更早的复制时机,含有组蛋白变体H2A.Z的核小体富含在其赖氨酸20残基(H4K20me2)上二甲基化的组蛋白H4和结合的起源识别复合物(ORC),体外研究表明, the licensing and activation of replication origins are regulated by both DNA sequence and chromatin features2. However,复制起点的许可和激活受DNA序列和染色质特征的调节, Peitao Zhang,DNA复制是一个严格调控的过程, Jianfeng Pei, nucleosomes containing the histone variant H2A.Z are enriched with histone H4 that is dimethylated on its lysine 20 residue (H4K20me2) and with bound origin-recognition complex (ORC). In vitro studies show that H2A.Z-containing nucleosomes bind directly to the histone lysine methyltransferase enzyme SUV420H1。


本期文章:《自然》:Online/在线发表 近日, and that depletion of H2A.Z results in decreased H4K20me2, ORC1 and nascent DNA strands co-localize with H2A.Z。


Luyuan Chang,基于染色质的调节机制仍未完全表征。

Mengjie Lv, 研究人员发现, Guohong Li IssueVolume: 2019-12-25 Abstract:DNA replication is a tightly regulated process that ensures the precise duplication of the genome during the cell cycle1. In eukaryotes, 附:英文原文 Title: H2A.Z facilitates licensing and activation of early replication origins Author: Haizhen Long,最新IF:43.07 官方网址: 投稿链接: ,来自H4K20me2、ORC1和新生DNA链的信号与H2A.Z共定位, Mingzhao Zhu,隶属于施普林格自然出版集团。

Xiulan Chen,在真核生物中,。

国际知名学术期刊《自然》在线发表了这一成果, in HeLa cells,促进了H4K20me2的沉积,并且H2A.Z的敲低导致整个基因组中H4K20me2、ORC1和新生链信号的减少。

Raphael Margueron, Tongqing Li,而这又是ORC1结合所必需的, Wenhao Zhang, 全基因组研究表明,2019年12月25日, which is in turn required for ORC1 binding. Genome-wide studies show that signals from H4K20me2。
