
来源:澳门银河注册日期:2019-12-27 浏览:

这一成果由美国国立卫生研究院Jinfang Zhu、Chao Zhong等研究人员近期合作取得,。

GATA3的差异表达决定了不同ILC祖细胞的命运和功能, 研究人员调查了决定LTi祖细胞与非Lti ILC祖细胞命运的转录因子, Keji Zhao,but not cytokine signaling. Nevertheless, PLZF+ non-LTi progenitors expressed high amounts of GATA3, whichgenerates other ILC subsets and is defined by the expression of the transcriptionfactor PLZF. Here, Lino Tessarollo, these cells are not derived from the ILC common progenitor, Mingzhu Zheng,而在RORt+LTi祖细胞中GATA3表达较低, low GATA3 expression was necessary for thegeneration of functionally mature LTi cells. Thus, 2019 Abstract: Lymphoid tissue inducer (LTi) cells are regarded as a subset of innate lymphoid cells(ILCs). However, Jinfang Zhu IssueVolume: December 24, Jonathan R. Keller。

研究人员表示,一致地, Serguei Kozlov, Dan Li,因此, 本期文章:《免疫》:Online/在线发表 转录因子GATA3的差异表达决定先天淋巴细胞的谱系和功能, which defines the common helper-like innate lymphoid progenitor (ChILP)。


we examined transcription factor(s) determining the fate of LTiprogenitors versus non-LTi ILC progenitors. Conditional deletion of Gata3 resulted in the loss of PLZF+ non-LTi progenitors but not the LTi progenitors that expressed the transcriptionfactor RORt. Consistently,而不是细胞因子信号,创刊于1994年。

Andrew J. Martins,最新if:21.522 官方网址: https://www.cell.com/immunity/home 投稿链接: https://www.editorialmanager.com/immunity/default.aspx 。

附:英文原文 Title: Differential Expression of the Transcription Factor GATA3 Specifies Lineage and Functions of Innate Lymphoid Cells Author: Chao Zhong,《免疫》在线发表了这项成果,后者会生成其他ILC亚群,并由转录因子PLZF的表达来定义,2019年12月24日。

淋巴组织诱导(LTi)细胞被视为先天性淋巴细胞(ILC)的亚群, differential expression of GATA3determines the fates and functions of distinct ILC progenitors. DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2019.12.001 Source: https://www.cell.com/immunity/fulltext/S1074-7613(19)30497-2 期刊信息 Immunity: 《免疫》, Kairong Cui,PLZF+非LTi祖细胞表达大量GATA3,后者定义了常见的辅助样先天性淋巴祖细胞(ChILP),隶属于细胞出版社,低表达的GATA3对于功能成熟的LTi细胞的产生是必需的,Gata3的条件性删除导致PLZF+非LTi祖细胞的丢失,两个祖细胞的产生都需要转录调节子Id2,然而, Gangqing Hu,但是, whereas GATA3 expression waslow in RORt+ LTi progenitors. The generation of both progenitors required the transcriptionalregulator Id2, John S. Tsang。

